Promise there is a reason for my recent silence. Some big things have been stirring in our life. A few weeks ago, Kim and I made the ENORMOUS decision to leave California and head back to our roots in the Midwest. In two days we will be packing up our car, putting Otis in the back seat and heading home - just in time for the holidays. It's a really exciting time but it also comes with a lot of mixed emotions. On one end we are starting fresh in a place we are pretty familiar with, we will be very close to family and Kim is starting a great new career. On the other hand, it's cold, we are leaving everything we have known together as a couple and it's going to be incredibly hard to be so far from the friends who have essentially become family.
I know change is typically a good thing and I'm looking forward to all these next few years have in store as we make the big transition. I figure if I can make it through this first Minnesota winter I can make it through the rest. It's crazy how quickly things change but can't wait to give this blog a little more attention in the upcoming months and share our journey a bit more. I probably won't be blogging much until we get settled but you can follow along on Instagram (@LovelyStruck) as always. Here we go!
(The print above is from YouDollDesign on Etsy and seemed very fitting)